Thank you to all the guys who showed up to my first led 30/30 session. Your commitment was amazing and your knowledge and insights were invaluable. Thanks again!
I’m so grateful to have you in my life Melissa. You’re, beautiful, kind, warm, funny and my soul mate. Thank you for all you do for me, and our family. With you anything is possible, and I know you will...
Strong and powerful. Your strength and determination amaze me. It was an awe-inspiring sight to watch you give birth to our son. I am incredibly proud to be your husband. Your husband thanks you
Your enthusiasm is fantastic! You help lift my spirits when they are low. It’s a real honour to know you. Thank you my friend.
Improving the mental health of our communities.
To positively influence over 1,000 individuals into being the best person they can be through sharing knowledge, wisdom and kindness.
I dedicate this website to my wonderful wife. She is truly the most beautiful person I know and each day inspires me to be a better person.
I love you beyond words.